3 Locations in Colorado Springs


New Year, New You!
2-Weeks of Unlimited Sessions
Are you tired of failed New Year's Resolutions? Are you aware that most people fail in their resolutions before the month of January is up? Don't let this happen to you.

If you're tired of boring workouts, spending hours at the gym, starving yourself and seeing no results, then we have a solution for you. Get started today and see the difference that two weeks make.

Three locations in Colorado Springs





Rustic Hills


207-A W. Rockrimmon Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

1769 S. 8th Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

4868 Galley Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80915

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you have classes for beginners?
Yes. Our group classes have both beginners and experienced in class! Our experienced members help our beginners feel more comfortable.

Q: How big are your classes?
A typical class can range from 12 to 24 people, although it would depend on the day.

Q: Do you have family classes?
All of our Kickboxing classes are family classes for teens and adults.

Q: How old does my child have to be to start classes?
We have classes available for teens and adults. Call for details.

Q: Will your classes help me get in shape?
Absolutely! The combination of our stretching, cardiovascular exercises and martial arts techniques help you get in the best shape of your life.

Q: How many classes should I attend?
We have several classes available weekly. Most of our members attend between 1 to 3 times per week. Our flexible schedule makes it easy to make up classes in case you miss one.

Q: I’m overweight and not in shape. Can I still do Kickboxing?
Absolutely! Kickboxing is a great way for people to get in shape. With the rise of obesity, hectic lifestyles, busy work schedule, family obligations, and less physical activities, Kickboxing provides a great workout for everyone to get in shape.

Q: What kind of shape do I need to be?
You don’t need to be in shape to participate in Kickboxing. We'll help you get there!

Q: How do I get started?
Click on the our incredible web special below or call us directly at (719) 388-2020. We're glad to help!

Three Locations in Colorado Springs

Rockrimmon | 207-B W. Rockrimmon Blvd
Broadmoor | 1769 S. 8th Street 
Galley Road | 4868 Galley Road 

(719) 388-2020 | Info@USKADojo.com

Small Call to Action Headline

*Special good for Kids Martial Arts, Adult Martial Arts, Fitness Kickboxing or Women's Bootcamp (Rockrimmon)

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